Dr dear Dr: If your team rectory were to diagnose the problems of society in this present age how would they go about it, and is there any truth in the idea that the Church Catholique first came up with the green awareness movement even in 1968?
Actually, the first person to speak in modern times of some idea of an eco awareness or a Green Spirituality was Paul VI when he was trying to get advanced spiritual couples of the Christian kind voluntatively to embrace contraception, yes contraception, but albeit of a somewhat more organic or green or natural kind, so he it was who first mentioned that the new teaching of the Contraception Commission then in 1968 would only be possible for spiritually developed spiritually aware and green aware couples, where both parties were free and responsive and psychologically mature catholics obviously, couples that might see the need to avoid too much ingestion of both vaccines and also large doses of vapings and other chemicals by way of biochemical utero-technology as it was being pioneered in those early days and troubled times. The actual Commission voted to open up the Church to utero-technology, as the Vatican and their allies around California first began the long road to a Hattim of sorts when they embraced somewhat that which is now being called on Twitter the uterisation of green spirituality by young couples, but it was Paul VI who eventually overturned the Final Report in which he had a feeling that the Commission was being a bit naive about the ingestion of such very strong doses of life-changing chemicals into any delicate reproductive system, a sort of early Barrington pope, ingestion either by male or female, and also he felt that much anomaly might be produced from those biochemical additives and the like such as thrombosis of the lungs and so on, and in which he decided not to go with the majority vote of the Contraception Commission. Foolish boy obviously, as he did not know what he would produce by way of general public reaction to his decision to hold out for more spirituality in the future. But he had another project in mind, not totally outlawing contraception since obviously he was promoting a species of contraception and also urging couples to be more not less responsible about births and to attend to their economic capacities first in answering the question if or how many, and indeed nor was he keen on say the more drastic right-wing notion of attaching canonical penalties to its use by young couples and bright young things, but rather allowing a more nature-friendly form of contraception to be developed by newer Green Technologies, what came to be known amusingly as Vatican Roulette, after the other game of precipitous luck, Russian Roulette, so so so popular in Vietnam at the time, as featured in the somewhat alarming movie Platoon - not for the faint-hearted wokist liberals of the present age. He was just afraid of what the biochemistry of Western Companies and Western Pharma might do to a young female or male biology in terms of long term side effects - he was worried about such innovations which in those days were largely untried by young couples. In that sense, he was like an early version of Mark Steyn or Dan Wootton, Uncle Mark and Uncle Dan as we call them in the wider GBN appoggia network. But actually society pressed on and when the Church began to signal to the larger but more narrow-minded civil governments of the world who rejected early soundings from the new Green Theology of the Vatican crowd and their hangers on, that a climate crisis was going to happen and happen sooner rather than later if the emissions problem and the plastic pollution of the seas problem were not sorted out quickly, it was largely ignored, except by Prince Charles and his spiritual guide the Dalai Llama. Indeed still it was not a popular clamatio in the dark, because the larger Church had to wait until the French Textus Receptus of the 1992 Copy of the Western Catechism and then nuanced into final posturings in the Textus Finalis Eiusdem of 1997 before the otherwise remote and largely hidden clause of CCC 1896 appeared in which the cardinals and bishops state, “Where sin has perverted the social climate, it is necessary to call for the conversion of hearts and appeal to the grace of God.” Green awareness - a church-run thing. Calvin R come back to holy Mother Church, all is forgiven. A vocation is just 20% bishop in our system, and 20% individual and 20% seminary and 40% God, but besides in our system, where the individual student-class has completed the exams of Spirituality and Philosophy and Theology, and passed all of the exams, then he or she enjoys a canonical right to ordination, a right that can be vindicated in canonical courts before the Roman authorities. So we look forward to hearing from Calvin sooner maybe rather than later. Green Awareness - now trendy and appearing at a cinema near you.