Safeguarding Children,
Young People & Vulnerable Adults
St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene takes the issue of Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults very seriously and stringently follows the policies instituted by the Diocese of Northampton.
Full details of these policies can be found further below.
Reporting Abuse
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.
It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or deceased.
If you are in any role within the Catholic Church in England and Wales, you must refer allegations directly to the safeguarding office for your diocese or religious congregation, or directly to the Police.
Safeguarding Contact Details
Parish Details
Parish Priest: Fr Bernard Barrett
Email: frbernard.barrett@northamptondiocese.org
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Louise Boyle
Email: Safeguarding@diginet2.co.uk
Diocesan Details
Safeguarding Coordinator: Danielle Dixon
Email: safeguarding@northamptondiocese.org
Telephone No: 01604 723514
Mobile No: 07833 050628
Safeguarding Support Officer: Laura Lester
Email: safeguardingadmin@northamptondiocese.org
Telephone No: 01604 723516
Mobile: 07859 499294
Clergy Advisor for Safeguarding: Father Andrew Behrens
Email: frandrew.behrens@northamptondiocese.org
Telephone No: 01604 713015
In an emergency, if you consider a child, young person or vulnerable adult to be in danger or at risk, immediately contact the Police or Social Services local to your parish.
Safeguarding Newlsetter
Each quarter, the Diocese distributes a quarterly newsletter to the Safeguarding Representatives. Relevant articles from the newsletter can be located here.