
The Anchor Course

The Anchor Course is for parents who wish to have their child baptised or to receive First Holy Communion. This course aims to ensure that parents are equipped to be the first and the best teachers of their children in the Faith.

It is in the home that the teaching and practice of the faith first occurs and for this reason, the Catholic Home is called The Domestic Church. It is in the Home that children are given a firm foundation upon which they can build their faith and practice their faith. Having completed the Anchor course, parents can then progress to the sacramental preparation for Baptism and First Holy Communion.

Both parents are invited to attend the Anchor Course, but if that is not possible, one of the parents needs to come so as to explain to their spouse what Anchor gives them in order to build a Catholic home. The Anchor Course comprises an initial Induction Session, followed by 6 weekly sessions.

Course Requirements

You will need a Participants Pack, which costs £10 and is available at the Induction session.  You also need a copy of the St Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 2 (£6.50 while current stocks last).

Course Dates

The dates for the next course will always be found on the Anchor Course Dates under Latest News.

The Anchor Course takes place on Saturday mornings - 9:30 am to 11:00 am - in the Hall at St Mary Magdalene, Stony Stratford.

Course Application

Please complete the Application Form to register your interest in joining the next available course.

Anchor Course Application Form

By submitting your information, you consent to your personal details given above being stored and used by the Parish for the purposes of running and administering the Anchor Course.

Contacting the Anchor Team

Please complete the form below if you have any questions or to request further details.

By submitting your information, you consent to be contacted by us should we need to ask any questions.

More about the Anchor Course

The Anchor Course is designed to familiarise parents with key aspects of the Catholic faith.

It presents the Faith in a practical, visual, and thought-provoking way. Looking at the fundamental truths of our faith through scripture, art, prayer, catechism references, and discussion, we guide parents in understanding and living the Faith in the heart of the home, in the Parish, and the wider world.

Each of the 6 sessions focusses on a particular truth as it takes parents on a journey through the Mass using the 4 pillars of the Catechism (Professing the faith, Celebrating the Mass, Living the Faith, and Prayer). This is backed up by guided home study and the practice of prayer.

Using Catechism references, the St Joseph Baltimore Catechism No.2 and the course content, we aim to deepen practice and knowledge of the Catholic Faith; thereby supporting parents in their Baptismal commitment to be: ‘The first and best of teachers of their child, in the ways of faith’.

“The family is the first school of prayer where, from their infancy, children learn to perceive God thanks to the teaching and example of their parents.
An authentically Christian education cannot neglect the experience of prayer. If we do not learn to pray in the family, it will be difficult to fill this gap later.”

John Paul II, Weekly address, the Vatican, Dec 2011

“Therefore, it must be emphasized once more that the pastoral intervention of the Church in support of the family is a matter of urgency. Every effort should be made to strengthen and develop pastoral care for the family, which should be treated as a real matter of priority, in the certainty that future evangelization depends largely on the domestic Church.”

Pope Benedict XVI, address to the PLENARY ASSEMBLY OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE FAMILY, Clementine Hall, Thursday, 1 December 2011