Support Us
Thank you to all those who provide financial support to the parish, helping with our ongoing costs.
Parishioners are reminded of the importance of the Sunday collection to our Parish. Many of you already give by standing order - we would be very grateful if more of you would consider doing so.
Parish Bank Details
Parish bank account is with NatWest:
Sort code 600611
Account no: 46715061
Name: R.C.D.N. St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene Parish.
If you are not currently in a position to commit to a regular donation via Standing Order, you can always make one-off donations, using the bank details above.
Gift Aid Form
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can add 25p to every £1 that you give to the Parish of St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene (at no extra cost to yourself) through Gift Aid.
If you are uncertain if you have completed one previously, please complete a new one. Contact the office for a form.
Offertory Envelopes
The preferred method of giving is by Standing Order. However, if you would like a box of Offertory Envelopes for the upcoming tax year, please complete the form below.
Unfortunately, we are unable to automatically re-issue envelopes to those who had them this current tax year - an application has to be made each tax year.
By submitting your information, you consent to being contacted by us should we need to ask any questions.