Parish Courses
There are four courses currently available for parishioners to attend in the Parish. To register your interest in attending any of the below courses, please click on the button below.
A minimum of six people need to have signed up before any of the courses will run.
The maximum number of people for any of the courses is ten.
Once enough people have registered interest in attending any of these courses,
a member of the team will contact you and advise of dates and times.
We will also advertise in the newsletter and under Latest News when any of these courses are running.
Bible Courses
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
Explore all twelve time periods of The Bible Timeline Chart in this eight-session study program.
With video presentations, Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you get the “big picture” by showing how fourteen narrative books of the Bible tell the complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church.
Students need to buy a workbook to obtain the most from this course which includes preparation with bible study before each session.
Updated: The workbooks now cost £26.99.
The SVP may subsidise costs where necessary.
The Bible Timeline: Story of Salvation
Learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and discover how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our Faith.
In this revolutionary approach to Bible study, The Bible Timeline divides the Bible into twelve color-coded time periods that make the narrative thread easier to follow, taking place over 24 sessions.
Students need to buy a workbook to obtain the most from this course which includes preparation with bible study before each session. These workbooks cost approximately £25 each. Each DVD session lasts about 1 hour followed by a discussion.
History of the Catholic Church
Journey through the history of Catholicism!
Presented by Steve Weidenkopf, this exciting 20-part series explores the major people, places, and events that make up the history of the Catholic Church. See the glory of the Church founded by Christ and understand where you fit into this epic story.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take part in a compelling and inspiring learning experience that is sure to draw you closer to Christ through a deeper understanding of His Church
A journey around the world
Come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.
Bishop Robert Barron created this groundbreaking program as a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe and why. Not a video lecture, Church history or Scripture study, this engaging and interesting formational program uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church.
A ten-session part course. Each DVD session last approximately 50 minutes. There is an accompanying workbook (costing £20)