Marian Apparitions Talks

Fr Bernard is giving a series of Lenten talks to which all parishioners are invited, on Friday evenings in Lent after Stations of the Cross.

The theme of the talks is "Marian Apparitions” and will be of general interest to all parishioners. Young people, those recently Confirmed and parents are particularly encouraged to come along.

What are Marian Apparitions

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”

Marian apparitions are reported supernatural appearances of the Virgin Mary.

These events involve Mary appearing to individuals or groups, and are often paired with some type of message Our Lady wants to communicate, and depending on the nature of her visit, can be anywhere from one short appearance to several over the course of years. There is always at least one witness to an apparition, and it is not uncommon for the witness to later become a saint or holy figure within the Church. 

Dates & Location

Talks will take place in the Parish Hall at St Mary Magdalene Church in Stony Stratford on a Friday evening, at 8.00 pm, immediately after Stations of the Cross.

Booking Form

To assist with knowing the numbers attending for seating and providing Tea & Coffee, please complete the booking form below.

Please Note: Due to the number of seat reservations already booked, seating for those who have NOT booked is limited.

If you have booked to attend any of the talks and subsequently are unable to attend, please contact so your seat can be released to others.

Seat Reservations will close at 3 pm on each of the dates shown in the booking form (or earlier if we reach full capacity).

By submitting your information, you consent to your personal details given above being stored and used by the Parish for the purposes of running and administering the Marian Apparitions Lenten Talks.

Voluntary Contribution

We know that parishioners always enjoy Fr Bernard's talks and many often ask if there is a chance to show their appreciation by making a donation for him. 

We will therefore make a basket available on the last week of the talks for those who wish to show their appreciation and thanks in this way.


First Holy Communion Course