St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Synthesizing the Ordinary

Dr dear Dr: Is it now high time, high noon, for ordinary men and women of “good will” to raise their voices of protest and put a stop to the general lunacy in the higher echelons of power as more and more people become less and less represented by quangoes and the like, what to do when the lunatics really do take over the asylum?

It has long been noted, in famous sociological surveys of the world, like Clarke’s “Civilisation”, that the chief genius of Catholic Christianity is that it tries to synthesize the ordinary feelings of ordinary people, and that is where its true inner strength lies as a collective force for good in society, as we see on such common sense channels as GBN or RT or Al-Jazeerah. But of course, as the great London philosopher on Fleet Street has had occasion to explain, the problem with common sense is that it is not so common. But where the lunatics take over the asylum, as a former chaplain to such institutes, it is true that in some very woke hospitals the staff there will sometimes run a controlled experiment and consult the patients as to their treatment, say among the very intelligent super brains of the patients and allow them a limited “taking over” of the asylum for a limited stretch - this in very woke hospitals in republics where the local constitution supports the people as a wisdom source quantum, de facto then supporting the brainiacs rather than disdaining them or denigrating their chief valuable insights - all part of the emergent recover therapy plan in very enlightened regimes where medication is top of the range and very very primary. So it can occur in some regimes. It is not always and everywhere a sign of automatic Bedlam, in that old victorian concept where there was no medication and where there was little understanding of the human metabolism as an organic one, so it is possible especially in the modern world where medication is now the chief instrument for controlling odd episodes and the fluctuations of brain chemistry in a subject patient - especially apposite and appropriate where burnout has led to a deprivation of certain kinds of enzyme in the brain and where brain chemistry has gone into dysfunction for a temporary period. But either way, do the upper echelons show signs of this new kind of woke type of experiment? Difficult to say. But the reader has articulated that end of term feeling in which many people would like to see more of the synthesis of ordinary feelings and greater common sense in those upper echelons especially as more and more of the green Eco-warriors become more and more rigid regarding activities formerly regarded as recreational such as the eating of red meat and the drinking of red wine and the like. Common sense is not so common - thus spaketh the wisdom of Fleet Street. Their chief London philosopher has spoken fairly and wisely about the ordinary feelings of ordinary men and women. Floreat philosophia.