Side Effect #2

Dr dear Dr: I was wondering after my young tres chere cousine called Mee-Mee had contracted Side Effect 2 of the HPRA schema of side effects, and she began losing blood, how she was able to recover quite strangely and suddenly from this Side Effect, which she attributes to the local curate at Westport ROI and the intercession of St Peregrine. Is this possible?

Actually, a fair point and well made, it is quite rare to be healed so quickly and summarily from a serious condition like this one, quite a scientific and medical conundrum quite honestly, but modesty forbidding, in the experience though of travelling missioners around the world, we do find that in areas where the simple unadulterated primitive gospel of Jesus is preached uncomplicatedly by some curate or some pastor, then strangely miracles seem to accompany and arise from such preaching, like it was a guarantee historically concerning the miracles and preaching of Jesus and his early apostles, miracles not seen for 2,000 years or so in such abundance, but they can occur when say the local curate there beyond Athlone and those environs manages to keep up a series of homilies on the primitive gospel of the First Healer, the Saviour. So if the curate is doing this kind of thing, and your letter seems to confirm this as he sees himself as a follower of Hosea and the prophets of the old times, then the curate of Westport is maybe indeed responsible for the short-circuiting of diseases and sicknesses, even difficult humane and humanity designed ones like Covid, and has healed through the power of the primitive gospel alone - that is sometimes sufficient, in their experience, in the experience of missionary followers of the prophets and the apostles. Can be done, a mystery medically and scientifically, but bear in mind that Jesus was the first founder of a new movement for medica and for scientifica too, as well as being a phenomenal healer, though it seems that the sign value of the miracles accompanies the message and not always just the messenger however divine he is - primitive gospel sermons, the light in all its brightness - or as the movie ghost says in Stigma, “il messagero non e importante.”


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