St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Foyle’s War - Blair’s War

This question for Questions Answered comes in via a Canadian Anonymous of New London CT which is always the center of much moderne debate about modifying Just War Theory.

What is the logic behind Joe Biden’s Sudden Withdrawal of Troops from Kabul and is this yet another sign of a Wokist concept of Just War?

When Tony Blair and George Bush made the decision to go to Afghanistan in 2001 and then to Iraq in 2003, it was decided to do so on the basis of the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001, killing 2970 largely innocent civilian people, plus also on the basis of the now famous 45 Minute Dr Kelly Dossier which Tony had obtained from the 007s upstairs abroad outlining how Saddam himself was now more than capable of launching large Scud missiles and “dirty” ones too that could hit London and Paris in 45 minutes. I and some German Raiders colleagues had seen the destruction these large cumbersome weapons of mass destruction could cause with our own eyes on our frequent trips to Israel during the First Gulf War of 1991 and then in 1992. George and Tony concurred that an allied army was necessary. We should note that the concepts in the minds of Tony and George were just war concepts initially and primarily, based on medieval notions of defence which were enlarged to apply to terrorism - see the standard theologian treatments of the genre in the global catechism at CCC 2309 where catholic bishops lay down 4 conditions on the legitimate means of a defensive concept of just war, medieval model, but the decision to go to war was really made in the last analysis based on Tony’s humanitarian concept of intervention in those countries - at the time on his flights overseas he was reading Aquinas on just war (as alluded to at the time by his Northampton Diocese catholic chaplain, Fr Tim). Hard to sustain what was then a very wokist concept of just war. This then explains why the occupation of Afghanistan declined over a long time to feature a nation building exercise that cost the US tax payer trillions of dollars to sustain in a downward spiral of efficacy, though the brave Afghan military insisted that their primary objective was attained which was to downgrade the capacity of Al Quaeda to launch attacks on America and the West. After 20 years though, enough was enough, and the new administrations in the White House could no longer see any logistic reason for insisting on an occupation - even though Tony himself forcefully recounted the logical reason for being there in the first place in a TV interview in August 2021. But the writing was on the wall - Donald Trump had made an agreement with the now ever more victorious Taliban in March 2021 to withdraw allied troops from Afghanistan, and then this was carried out in a quick manoeuvre by Joe Biden on the 30th August 2021. So we can see that George and then Donald toggled between 3 concepts of the just war, humanitarian, medieval, and legitimate assymetric defence. Legimate defence was the eventual concept that won through all the various well-meaning but in time expensive concepts of what it means to conduct a moderne war in modernity over seas. Tony’s doctrine however sincere and hard won, was eventually set asideby the American forces. The hawks in Washington won this one. A Boom and Bust trilogy.