
This Question for Questions Answered was scheduled by Anonymous of Northampton from within the parish boundary near the old Blue Mountain Cafe.

How does your church and your community view the important and critical role of the company whistleblower inside and within powerful Big Tech companies like Francesca within Facebook, is there any ideological scope in an old institution like the Church Catholique for some of these checks and balances to be deployed in governance a la Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden and Francesca Haugen? After all, Francesca is only defending some basic morals in the company and the freedom from Texan style tyranny of those few teenage girls that use Harvard Facebook?

FB - what an “agonia privata” going on around these Big Tech High Tech companies, as presidents and MDs and TDs wake up to find they are not woke, and that their sites have been suspended by the anonymous Community Standards People upstairs on those platforms - tricky times for presidents and CEOs and MDs. There was a time, seems now so long ago that this could be a song written by a sentimental Taylor Swift or an Ariana Grande with Andrea Bocelli in support, when the company ideology and the company elites would produce company cards and company cars and reward those who were loyal with lots and lots of material benefits, but those days of company exegesis seem to have been eclipsed by the initial pebbles that became avalances of whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden and now the glamorous stalking younger pony, Francesca Haugen. Women too have now been encouraged in a gender war scarred society to whistleblow on their colleagues and their bosses and their CEOs, be their bosses of superior standing such as an Andrew Cuomo to Clarence Thomas to Donald Trump, though the complaints against Clarence seem to have been a deliberate put up job designed to silence one of the first black judges on the Supreme Court. So women sometimes have become pawns in a larger game of three dimensional chess with powerful blocks such as the KKK angling for an angle on the inside track of the complaints industry - leaving aside the absurd huge payout industry awarded against companies by the Red judges of the New America, Nova Amerigo Terra, and a terror it all is indeed, if one is now a white single male with his own company in the production of futurist cars such as Elon the Musk of the Tesla company. So the standpoint of the parish and the deanery is that the Catholic Church too has checks and balances in its legal system designed to facilitate a little bit of whistleblowing when the pressures become too huge and overpowering, especially pressures to conform in an office where there are manifest injustices going on all around people's ears, say the evil and scheming vicar general going after all the favourite boy clerics of some other official like the vicar judicial - such tensions can occur. The Church can help people wronged by authority and to process their recourses to higher authorities in faraway places like the Philippines, when things go wrong, a human sign. Canons in the codex like canons 1399 and 1717 and 1740 provide for recourse and redress when serious felonies of a dark hue have been carried out against young women and young men too, felonies that one would not expect in a normal christian communtiy guided by the light of Christ and Christianity. So the Church is ahead of its time in providing for complaints - whistleblowers are not always drummed out of the HQ building. Now it is not that the church officials actively encourage the kind of whistleblowing outlined above against a bona fide company, since staying on in the job to download 10,000 company documents and then spiriting these away smacks too much of company and industrial espionage to be a safe ticket finding approval among the churches and the spiritual authorities, even though Francesca will contend that conscience bid her do it just from the selfsame internal memos of the company itself, in this case harming the psychology of teen girls. Francesca though will have her work cut out for her in Congress and Senate when she goes before those representatives to speak about her side of the issue. Nor does a local parish church like to encourage any soldier to break his oaths to his country and his loyalty to his army officers, as seemed to have occurred in the case of Chelsea Manning, that much is required by freely chosen army discipline. Nor does a local parish church like to encourage betrayal of organisation for homeland security like the NSA as occurred with Edward Snowden. Granted all these players invoked conscience rights, what to do when the company or organisation is seeking to silence the president or wiretap the president or his 2nd in command or even to kill the president, and so on; but generally speaking the issue of conscience is well circumscribed in the contract of employ within such security organisations. A tricky question, but as we can see now, one that the Church itself has already explored in its own schedule of canons and rights and laws touching on conscience and conscientous objection before its own troops go over the top of the daily trenches of everyday life that we call daily work. It is easy to spot the soldier that blows the whistle to give the order for everyone else to go over the top and then quietly abandons his own post in the consequent melee to flee behind the safety of his own lines, but this is not the atteggiamento or comportment that the Church likes to encourage in its daily work columns or among its own soldiery.  





Boris - Part Deux