Prayers & Novenas - February

The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family.

[W]e can perceive two decisive moments for the Holy Family: first, in Bethlehem, when King Herod wants to kill the Child because he sees him as a rival to the throne, and in Egypt, when the danger has passed, the Holy Family can return to Nazareth from their exile.

First of all, we observe God's fatherly care in the divine solicitude of the Father for the Incarnate Son and, almost as a reflection of it, Joseph's human concern. Beside him, we perceive Mary's silent anxious presence. In her heart, she is meditating on God's concern and Joseph's prompt obedience.

We call this solicitude of God Divine Providence, while human concern could be defined "human providence". It is in virtue of this "providence" that those who are parents endeavour to avoid every kind of evil and to provide their children and family with every possible good.

Pope John Paul II on the Holy Family

Litany to the Holy Family

Lord have mercy on us. R/. Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us. R/. Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us. R/. Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us. R/. Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father, of heaven,
Have Mercy on us. *
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, *
God the Holy Ghost, *
Holy Trinity, one God, *

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, R/. Pray for us. **

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, worthy objects of our reverence and love, R/.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, by the voice of all ages called the Holy Family, R/.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, names for ever blessed of the Father, the Mother, and the Child, who compose the Holy Family, R/.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, image on earth of the august Trinity, R/.
Holy Family, tried by the greatest contradictions, R/.
Holy Family, afflicted in your journey to Bethlehem, R/.
Holy Family, rejected by all, and obliged to take refuge in a stable, R/.
Holy Family, saluted by the concerts of the angels, R/.
Holy Family, visited by the poor shepherds, R/.
Holy Family, venerated by the Wise Men, R/.
Holy Family, persecuted and exiled in a strange country, R/.
Holy Family, hidden and unknown at Nazareth, R/.
Holy Family, model of Christian families, R/.
Holy Family, living in peace and charity, R/.
Holy Family, whose Head is a model of paternal vigilance, R/.
Holy Family, whose Spouse is a model of maternal care, R/.
Holy Family, whose Child is a model of obedience and filial piety, R/.
Holy Family, who led a poor, laborious, and penitent life, R/.
Holy Family, poor in the goods of the world but rich in the goods of heaven, R/.
Holy Family, despised by the world, but great before God, R/.
Holy Family, our support in life, our hope in death, R/.
Holy Family, patrons and protectors of our Confraternity, R/.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, R/.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.

Let us Pray:

O God of goodness and mercy, who hast been pleased to call us to this Confraternity of the Holy Family; grant that we may always honour and imitate Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; so that, pleasing them on earth, we may enjoy their presence in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

Novena to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love the Church, as we ought, above every other earthly thing, and always to show forth our love by deeds. Pater [Our Father], Ave [Hail Mary], Gloria [Glory Be]

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace without fear or human respect openly to profess, as we ought, the faith which was given to us in baptism. Pater [Our Father], Ave [Hail Mary], Gloria [Glory Be].

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to share, as we ought, in the defence and propagation of the Faith, when duty calls, whether by word or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives. Pater [Our Father], Ave [Hail Mary], Gloria [Glory Be].

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love one another, as we ought, and to live together in perfect harmony of thought, will, and action, under the rule and guidance of our pastors. Pater [Our Father], Ave [Hail Mary], Gloria [Glory Be].

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to conform our lives, as we ought, to the precepts of God and of the Church, so as to live always in that charity which they set forth. Pater [Our Father], Ave [Hail Mary], Gloria [Glory Be].

(Indulgence of 300 days, once a day.--Leo XIII)



