From the pen of Fr. Bernard
The Cross-roads of History when sacraments and magic meet!
Our lives often bring us to cross roads where we have to take stock and ask: ‘How did I get here?’ Within this question lie three other questions: where have I been? Where am I now? and where am I to go next? In the words of the Lord to Jeremiah:
“Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths: which was the good way? Take it and you will find rest for yourselves.”
The shock of Easter is its historicity but the point of Easter is much much more!
Easter Sunday is when we celebrate the momentous event of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not to be domesticated by being reduced to the Easter bunny – whatever that means! Rather, it is the event of history. It is an historical event and no myth for myths are abstractions with no rootedness in history. Whereas the resurrection of Jesus is rooted in a particular place, Jerusalem and in a particular time, the time of Pontius Pilate, which no myth is.
Holy Week, The Easter Octave & Eastertide
Lent is a season that prepares us to enter into the Mysteries of Holy Week where we come face-to-face with our own part in crucifying Our Lord Jesus Christ. We could rightly say that the Mass is the centre of all these mysteries. Indeed, in Holy Week the Mass is unrolled like a scroll for us to ponder all the elements of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ what we call the Paschal Mystery. Holy Week unfolds for us the Paschal Mystery through the eyes and heart of Our Lady who is the memory of the Church.
The hope of the rich is that death is the end; the hope of the poor is that death is not the end!
Over the last three weeks we have listened to the stories in which the three disciples on the Mountain, the Samaritan woman, the blind beggar and now the sisters of Lazarus, Martha and Mary, encounter the presence of Our Lord. We have also seen how Our Lord transfigures the desert, sinners, the blind and how he tranfigures thirst, water and light into symbols of who Our Lord is and what he is doing. Today, we consider how Our Lord transfigures the reality of death.
To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
Many today speak of the need for change, some speak of coming to a point in life where it is ‘time for a change’ and indeed some have made a cult of change where the latest thing must displace the past and even the present thing. But there is change and there is change. There are external changes, circumstantial changes and even surface changes. But there is also the much more painful and real form of change that is… a profound change of heart, mind, body and soul and it is called Transfiguration!
Angels on our shoulders or devils at our backs!
Our Lord fought the three Temptations of Satan in the Desert where each temptation grew in intensity. Yet, unlike Adam and Eve who succumbed at the second thrust of Satan’s artifice, Our Lord did not. Our Lord remained faithful and the Devil departed in frustration but would return later when the hour of darkness had descended. The Angels came to Our Lord Jesus to give him comfort after this demonic sifting when Our Lord was at his physically weakest.
The Body, the Machine & the Global reset - Is it too late?
Build, Back, Better presupposes a total and global destruction of the material and spiritual reality of humanity. What better way to do this than to use the philosophy of the machine to overturn the spiritual organism that is Man and Woman and make them not into images of God, but mutated supermachines?
Vive la résistance!
From the prophet Isaiah [8:23-9:3] we have the words of hope, a Messianic hope:
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who live in a land of deep shadow a light has shone.
These words touch on what happened to the tribes who lived in the north of Israel, the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali. These were the tribes who were the first to be taken into exile by the Assyrians in the 8th Century BC. At times today, we too feel there is an attempt to drag us all into exile! [Watch video about what is happening in Brazil:]
Pope Benedict XVI RIP
If Pope St John Paul II was the Philosopher-Pope who engaged the World and then the Church, then Pope Benedict XVI was the Theologian-Pope who engaged the Church and then the World.
Epiphany is the answer to why there are so many religions!
On Friday the Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany: "The Lord and ruler is coming; kingship is his, and government and power." The Coming of the Magi expresses the deepest desire of the human race as manifested in the fact that there are so many religions, namely, to meet their maker.
The Spatial-Temporal Impact of Advent: from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Today we are going to show how the Advent or Coming of Christ changes everything even space and time. The Greek word that scripture uses for the coming of the presence of Christ is parousia. Parousia is also the foundation for the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, for the presence of Christ in the Gospel accounts and is the word used when we speak of his 2nd Coming
Christ the King & the godless Balrogs!
At the end of the Church’s year we focus on the Feast of Christ the King which is a feast that touches on all aspects of human existence….Pope Pius XI instituted The Feast of Christ the King in 1925 for the universal church in his encyclical Quas Primas. In so doing, like Gandalf, he drove his pontifical staff in to the bridge of power and said to all the secular Balrogs of our modern times, “You shall not pass… for Christ is King, not you!” [ ]
A true King is one who protects the Common People: long live the King!
The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II was traditional in many ways and seems to harken from olden times. As such it seems to fly in the face of all the attempts to modernise Queen and Country over these last 70 years. It is the story of the Lion and the Unicorn, the Monarchy and the Common People...
We have two sides to the loss of the Queen, a Queen who reigned for 70 years. There is the loss of the long reigning monarch, Elizabeth II, and there is the loss of the person who wore this crown, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. There may be extreme reactions to her death be they a crevasse of hyper-sentimentality or a crevasse of hyper-criticism that could smother this great loss for this nation and for the Commonwealth, but as Catholics we must keep our heads.
St Bernard, the Rule of Benedict and The Nuremburg Code
The Feast of St Bernard on 20th August seems to coincide this year with the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code. Is there a connection? Is this a coincidence? No, it is something more - it is a God-incidence!
Grace, Faith and Works bring Order; otherwise, we get the Flood!
We constantly struggle against chaos, complexity and doubt. Interestingly, the sea is Biblically presented as a symbol of chaos and indeed there is a monster in the deep called the Leviathan. At the same time, Biblically speaking, we have the Logos or the Word that hovers over the deep to bring order out of chaos…. Today, we have the struggle between the Order of Faith and the Chaos of Doubt!
Martha and Mary: what really changes the World?
Hospitality is a major theme in our 1st reading and Gospel today. But playing host to God is a real world shaker and it starts with sitting at the feet of Christ which the Psalmist anticipates by being the voice of God: ‘be still and know that I am God.’ Here we find the centre of true life, the eye in the storms of life and the dam of grace that holds back the flood waters of our sins.
Pentecost: putting the world to the torch!
Pentecost is either setting the world on fire or putting it to the torch! Pentecost is fundamentally about the sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, Our Lady and all the disciples gathered in the upper room (Acts 2) and so the gift of the Holy Spirit brings to birth a new Creation: the Church. The Holy Spirit comes like a roaring wind, a shaking force and tongues of fire and so sets the Apostles on fire.
The Ascension to the final frontier of the Living or the Plunge to the uberworld of the dead
The mystery of the Ascension touches on how big reality really is and it is therefore of Cosmic significance. One of the myths of our modern times is revealed in the series called ‘Star Trek’ which also considers the issue of what is the final frontier.
How do our Parishes become beacons of heaven in these turbulent times?
Why does the Church call a Council? The Council in Jerusalem had been called to deal with a problem that divided the Church. It was a dispute over whether or not pagans had to become Jews before they could become Christians.