The Body, the Machine & the Global reset - Is it too late?

Build, Back, Better presupposes a total and global destruction of the material and spiritual reality of humanity. What better way to do this than to use the philosophy of the machine to overturn the spiritual organism that is Man and Woman and make them not into images of God, but mutated supermachines?

The world of the machine uses the language of the machine and it is the language of 'use'. A machine is useful and when it isn't, we either try to fix it or it gets dumped! But what happens when we see our bodies as machines? Well, we find that our language reflects our vision of the body and when we end up using our bodies, and those of others too, like we use machines and so we get the language of the machine: User, Using, Used, Useful, Useless, Taken, Took, Had,  Abuse, Abused, Abuser and Dumped!

There are many who say 'it's my body and I can do with IT what I want' or 'I can do what I like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.' All of which ends up meaning 'My body can be used for my pleasure and the bodies of others can be used for my pleasure, and mine can be used for their pleasure too!'

The sexual conjugal act is intrinsically defined by the unitive and the pro-creative dimensions - or in layman's terms 'sex is for bonding and babies'. But with the rise of contraception these two dimensions have now been separated. It is this principle that Pope Paul VI’s encyclical ‘Humanae Vitae’ (para 12) sought to defend in 1968. So, we live today with the cultural and social consequences of separating these two dimensions as we have now sex without babies and babies without sex! The latter has spawned an anti-life biotechnological industry of contraception, RU248, abortion, IVF, Embryonic experimentation, the attempts at Cloning. And it seems more is heading our way with the arrival of Trans-humanism and artificial wombs (see prophetic statement in paragraph 17 of Humane Vitae).

Biotechnology has separated the unitive dimension from the procreative dimension of the sexual act this has also enabled many to have sex without babies. It opened the door to an increase in affairs and divorce and progressively enabled the rise of serial monogamy, pick-ups, hook ups, wife/husband swapping, multiple partners, recreational sex, teen-age sex, sex-buddies, gay sex, sexting and all the physical and mental diseases that then follow: HIV, STDs and Sex and Porn Addictions. Finally, there is now the rise of poly-amorist networks (a closed circle of people who sleep with each other) alongside older activities and practises of prostitution, pornography and sex trafficking. We truly do have a widespread sex industry that goes hand in hand with the body seen as a machine. And yet, how many of us have been told that it is the Catholic Church that is obsessed with sex!?

The language of this worldly mindset is one of utilitarianism, namely, the body is a means to an end - it is useful for pleasure. It leads also to the utilitarian ethic where morality is reduced to the principle - 'the ends justify the means.' So, this mindset means it does not matter whether the action is good or bad, all that matters is whether the ends or consequences are good or bad; but this idea of the good is one that is defined purely in terms of pleasure.

Such a view of the body leads to a separation of truth from both intention and from action. Morality of the Natural Law requires the intention to be good, the action to be good and the circumstances to be good but utilitarianism only requires the consequences to be good. Utilitarianism reflects the perception about the body where we have the 'triumph of use' over human meaning and moral value and it now dominates the domain of sexuality where truth has been separated from the body itself. How so?

A human person is a subject not just an object and so a human person cannot morally be a means to an end. Lust is using the body, whether mine or others, as a useful means for pleasure. Lust is therefore a treating of an embodied person as an 'object to be used.' Love on the other hand sees the body as my body, his body and her body; it is the personalisation of the body as the body is the embodiment of a person. So, love is based on the 'true gift of self' and thus the body is a gift of a person, not an object to be taken, had, used or abused. We now have a culture war against the dignity of the embodied person where we have the depersonalisation of the body and the objectification of the person

Today we see everywhere the conflicting views over the meaning of the body.  Is it just an object of lust or the subject of love? Is the body just a machine to be used or is the body a personal gift to be cherished? Is the body a Something or Somebody? Shall we use a utilitarian language for the body or should we have a personalist language for the body?

Lust is morally wrong because it is about perceiving and using the other person as an object for gratification (objectification of the person). Thus, the body is not treated as an expression of self-gift of a person to a person as a person but rather it's about the 'taking of' and the 'using of' another's body disconnected from that person; the body is reduced to just an impersonal 'it' or ‘thing’ to be used

Today many view the body as something separate from the person such that it is just a 'thing' to be used. And now as a continuation of this separation of the person from the body, the body can now even be redefined. The body is of no significance-in-itself, except for what a disembodied 'I' says it is. The body is now just a cipher. So, we arrive today with the ultimate consequence of a machine or utilitarian view of the body in those who chant:

·   'I can change the very meaning of my body for the body is just a thing for my use such that I am free to decide whether it is male or female.'

·   ‘I can choose it to be male or female or neither or both.

·   Gender is not something I have received but something I define, make or even create.’ 

Behold the ideology of trans-gender which began with chants like 'I'm not limited by my body' or 'I am not my body' and has now morphed into the chant 'my body is whatever I want it to be'. An ideology that denies:

·   the facticity of the body;

·   the biology and neurology of the body;

·   the objective, human, natural, cultural and religious meaning of the body;

·   in fact, it separates the person totally from their body and thus also divorces the person from his or her true and real nature; it denies the objective reality of person having a human nature.

It is a deconstructionist ideology of absolute individualism (no human nature) tied to an absolute view of liberty (no Natural Law or moral Law) where liberty is without limits, duty or responsibility because it denies the conditioning factor, namely, it denies that there is such a reality as human nature. A human nature that grounds and gives the conditions for the exercise of freedom and responsibility. But without a common human nature we cannot have universal human rights!

So, this ideology undercuts the very possibility of human rights and so it is a contradiction in terms for it denies there is a human nature; so how can one speak of a human right to gay marriage, for instance? It is a thoroughly anti-scientific, anti-rational, anti-nature, anti-matter, anti-personal, anti-rights, anti-social, anti-Christian and an anti-reality view as you can get! Behold the lawless Man [2 Thess 2:1-12]!

Welcome to the age of Secular chaos that prepares the way for a new form of tyranny, the global ideology of trans-humanism ( where human beings are to be remade in the image of the machine because the body has been reduced to a meaningless cipher,  individual egos are divorced from human nature and liberty becomes the licence to be and to do whatever the sensual ego wants to be or to do, with no limits! The lunatics have taken over the asylum and soon the egos of licence will be enslaved by the machine as it abolishes human nature, man and woman, and all human rights to make human beings just bricks and straw for the pharaohs of our time to build a new kingdom called the technocracy of the anti-man! Welcome to the domain of the Borg!

We have come full circle in our history as the Church, for we face once again an ancient heresy, the heresy of Gnosticism. Gnosticism was the very first and most deadly heresy that the Church had to defend herself against and it arose in the early 2nd Century AD. A heresy that saw matter as evil and spirit as good and so attacked and denied the reality, goodness and meaning of the body-in-itself such that they denied that the Word became flesh. Today this neo-gnostic view of the body is being peddled everywhere and is even being peddled in our schools!

From of old, the Church teaches the doctrine that all human beings can know the Natural Law which means morality is objective. Today we also face the abolition of the Natural Law through the abolition of human nature

What is the Natural Law? The Natural Law is about how to be good. To be good means that we must intend the good, we must do what is good and the circumstances must be taken into account to judge whether the person has chosen good or evil. Why? Because the first principle of a conscience is that ‘the good must be done and evil must be avoided.’ Conscience is thus ordered to the objective Natural or Moral Law, it is like an antenna that detects a signal; the signal of moral norms.

Good intentions are not enough to be good, for ‘the way to hell is paved with good intentions.’ A good action is not enough to be good as one can do the right thing for the wrong reason. A good circumstance impacts on the goodness of the consequence which itself is not enough as it opens the door for doing evil that good may come of it: eg Killing the unborn so one may be free to continue in a career. The Natural Law is therefore fundamentally about how to live and act as authentic human beings: [CCC 1755 A morally good act requires the goodness of the object, of the end, and of the circumstances together].

How can we know the Natural Law? We can discover objectively the Natural Law through reflection and reason, through the help of divine revelation and subjectively through our experience of developing an informed conscience. Hence, why St Paul speaks of the objective moral law as something that is also written in human hearts as well as on tablets of stone (Rom 2:15). It takes a lot of double think and double talk to deny it.

Natural Law is natural because it is built upon the principle 'as a being acts, so it is' for 'acts flow from being.' But unlike animals, which act through instinct, we act through intellect and will which means we are made to freely seek and act upon truth, meaning, value and the transcendent reality underpinning all reality, God. From a discernment of human nature, we can discover the moral law which is given to guide our free and conscious choices and we call it the Natural Law. A moral law that is a Natural Law because it is fitted out for our nature and is revealed by reason, conscience and by Divine Revelation (eg the 10 Commandments). But it also has to be held, lived and handed on through the social vehicle of tradition that exists within a living community of meaning operating in history and open to transcendent reality.

Why do we need tradition? Because it takes time, guidance and communal support to train people in forming good intentions and forming good actions so as to effect good consequences. We call this training in good habits, the life of virtue. This living out of the Natural Law is what makes 'culture' a value, for culture is to society what soul is to a body; for culture is the ‘why’ a society does what it does. So, a decline in morals leads to a decline in culture which leads in turn to a breakdown in society – that social chaos that follows moral collapse; what Pope John Paul II called the ‘Culture of death.’

However, the Natural Law is not like the laws of nature which occur whether we know them or not, whether we like them or not or whether we choose them or not. Although the Natural Law is something we can know, yet unlike the Laws of Nature, we can decide whether to follow it or not. However, deep down we know, especially when we are still, silent and reflective, that the choices we make, as to whether to obey or not to obey the Natural Law, have consequences for our being and our destiny both personally and communally.

So, the moral law is natural to us and we can discern it. By the Natural Law we can know what actions are really humane and what actions are really inhumane; what is a good action as opposed to a bad action. When we break the moral law we actually break ourselves, for moral laws are also truths about human nature. It is for this reason that we experience guilt and shame when we go against the moral law of our nature, and it is only psychopaths and sociopaths who don't!

Consequently, there are actions which are in tune with human nature and actions which are not. These actions do not derive their meaning or morality just from our intention but from the objective reality of the act itself as it relates to our nature. Thus, we have what are called the 'moral norms' of the Natural Law which depict those actions that are either compatible or incompatible with our human nature. The perfect expression of these moral norms is found in the 10 Commandments and the first principle that must govern all who claim to have a conscience is that good must be done and evil must be avoided.

As persons of intellect and will possessing a human nature, we make choices according to our intelligence and will that either conform or go against our nature as disclosed by moral norms which serve as sign posts for being and acting in a truly human way. Sin is not being human but failing to be human, failing to be truly human. So, the Natural Law gives us moral norms that tells us that there are certain actions we can never morally choose because they are always morally wrong as they go against our very nature. For example: murder is always wrong because to kill the innocent is always wrong no matter the circumstances or the intention or the consequences.

In today's post-Christian world, people are not being formed by communal religious and moral traditions. Instead, they are tempted out of such a communal moral tradition by the Media, Education, the State, the UN and the elites of our times and made into lonely individuals, empty ciphers, who are rendered subjectivist, relativist or utilitarian in their freely chosen actions: 

·    a Subjectivist who claims no one can know what is right; 

·    a Relativist who claims no one can be told that they are doing something wrong; 

·    or a Utilitarian who claims the ends justify the means.

But people today are being conditioned and brought up to deny that there are any such objective moral norms. Yet it is by such moral norms that we are judged as acting humanely or inhumanely; judged as acting morally good or morally bad; judged legally as being innocent or guilty of a crime; and divinely and ultimately judged as righteous or wicked

It is also the Moral Law that enables us to morally evaluate the State. But it also puts limits to the power of a State which has always an inbuilt tendency to totalitarianism. Moral Law and moral norms do not derive from the State but from God and human nature and so they are prior to the existence of any State or Government. A State or government serves and never creates moral norms. By the Moral Law can we hold to account Kings and Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers, Lords and Members of Parliament, Senators and members of Congress, CEOs and Shareholders, Directors and Managers etc… Indeed, it is only with moral norms that any and all tyranny can be critiqued, challenged and overthrown and it is why the 20th Century’s tyrannical dictator, Hitler, proclaimed himself a relativist!

When it comes to the body and sexuality we find many are utilitarian when they say: 'it does not matter what you do in the body as long as you don't hurt anybody.' Once you reduce the body to a neutered thing that is defined by use then we are ‘free’ to use our bodies as we like, as it does not matter what we do with our bodies - this is the Gnostic heresy and is ultimately leads to contraception – separating babies from bonding!

How do we counter this utilitarian mind-set that views the body as a machine? Well we need to establish the authentic language of the body. A language that re-connects the body to the person and re-connects our freely chosen actions to the Natural Law. Today we need people to read again the prophetic encyclical of Humanae Vitae (1968) and thus:

·    to recognise and accept the findings of objective science about the facts of the body (including neurology);

·    to discover a rational philosophy of the meaning of the body (based on this facticity of the body and its neurological and psychological structure); 

·    to recover moral freedom and responsibility founded on the body understood as the embodiment of a person as male OR as female who consciously and reflectively thinks, knows, judges and decides within a community and is open to living according to truth, meaning, value and the transcendent;

·     to personally discover and affirm a theology of the Body that counteracts the anti-body mindset of a neo-Gnosticism that now infects our youth, our marriages, our families, our politics and our education institutions vis a vis the modern distortions about gender and sexuality. 

Such a language has been given to us by St Pope John Paul II in his 'Theology of the Body':

“The body reveals the person. This phrase tells us all there is to know about the body. Science can examine our flesh in minute detail, down to the cells and even the DNA. But no amount of scientific exploration can replace the truth that our bodies reveal us, giving form to our innermost being and unique personality. Our bodies are sacramental – they make the invisible visible” (Theology of the Body 9:4)

The alternative to this vision is the confusion and social chaos that is the prelude to the abolition of Man and the tyranny of the machine by the Pharaohs of our time who want to make human beings fodder for their future! Now do you see why the powers-that-be must outlaw free speech, deny moral norms and control language so as to create double speak, speech crime and thought crime for a Brave New World and a global Big Brother?

Forces are lining up, both inside and outside the Catholic Church, to make us all live in a new world order that uses a falsification of the Catholic Faith; uses techno-marks or chips in heads, hands and skin; fosters a war within the Church and a world war among nations; but despite all these devilish attempts to destroy humanity there are prophets who for over a hundred years have been trying to awaken us from sin, confusion, darkness and worldliness in their prophecies for they proclaim the coming of the Warning, the Chastisement and the Three Days of Darkness!

Consider this video as a welcome offer of hope for our times: Garabandal Now! Moscow, Pope, Warning, Synod, Communism Returns, the Mass is Suppressed [watch: ]



Angels on our shoulders or devils at our backs!


Vive la résistance!