God The Holy Trinity
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The first session focuses on the mystery of God, Father and Holy Spirit, using the account of the Baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:16-17.
Professing the Faith
Provides an explanation of a central aspect of the Faith. This section always involves an activity referring to the Scripture and Art found at the beginning of the session
Celebrating the Mass
Mirrors and complements Professing the Faith and explains the main parts of the Mass in order. This section always includes an activity which refers to the Mass and sometimes involves the use of a Missal
Living the Faith
Stirs a reflection on how the particular aspect of the Faith discovered in the session can be lived out in our daily life
Praying with the Church
At this point, you are invited to move into a prayer area, where you can read and pray through the last section on your own. You are given some personal time for silence and recollection
More information about the Anchor Course can be found here.