Pax Mechanica

Dr dear Dr: Is there anything you can prescribe from your healing medical cabinet of medicines which might be an antidote to all of those Death Wish 3000 teenagers, girlies now included more and more, screaming about in fast cars late at night in these cities and towns - they have turned my local conurbation into a Daytona 500 race track?

Indianapolis 500 methinks. Love is the drug we are thinking of. Very little in the cabinet at this stage since I have been collecting medicines for the many poor soldiers wounded and in hospital - 500 of them at this stage - in Dnipro in far away places, but you are right, one cleric I knew once contacted with one such girlies Death Wish 3000 typologia specimen combat fatigue fashion icon girl who drove her Chelsea Tractor with gusto, iphone in hand of course, combats at the ready, and he had a very nasty accident as a result - she struck his petrol tank side on - potentially a very wicked way to die. Speaking of which, another young cleric, Fr GM, is in hospital in Tallaght County Dublin at the moment also as a result of such Speedy Gonzalez girlies and their boyos in tow. Speed or Alacritas is something of a drug for the young, so lashings of common sense and respect for other road users might be the best medicine I can prescribe for this diagnosis, or a visit to Daigon Alley with some of the actors of the Privet Drive movies. Mulholland Drive too begins with some car scenes. Fast and Furious too. Speed is a drug just like any other drug and modern screamager road users have to be weaned off it. For the sake of other more sedate road users and their nerves. Driving has got to become an encounter with stress and mental illness more and more helas helas.


Pax Aeronautica


Pax et Bonum