Dr dear Dr: What is the point of Nato membership if there are still moral hazards around the territory of the Ukraine? Where does a Parish like yours stand on these moral hazard issues?
Funnily enough, our Parish fully supports the terms and conditions of the HRA 98 [2000] or the Human Rights Act, and in that Act the European Legal Draftsmen and Draftswomen left a space for National Civil Governments to declaim or disquisition or dispatiate upon issues surrounding Public Morals where these impact upon the sociology sanctioned by the philosophy of the State, appearing at a cinema or housing estate near you. So there are a number of classical historical sources for these Civic Public Morals:
Old style pagan virtues of the old religion from the life of Merlin;
The civic democratic virtues of a city-state like Menelaic Athens;
The civic status of republican virtues like Ciceronian Rome;
Jewish mores and customs of the Old Hebrew Bible Era;
Christian customs and practices of the New Testament Era.
All these offer sources for the civil government to wrest morals out of the maelstrom of the modern political world of moral hazards as per the Ukraine, but yes, this is not the time to be disturbing Russian bears, or as the old 2000 saying of Harry Potter puts it - “Draco dormiens nusquam titillandus est” - A sleeping dragon should never be aggravated. The same applies to Russian bears. There are red lines out there in the real civic world, and the Ukraine and its former Newland backers are approaching one, a very big one that has the potential to plunge Europe, a once beautiful European Eu into much grievous conflict and even war. So yes there are moral hazards around Ukraine and Dr Stoltenberg and his teams are heading into choppy waters. Certainly, none of the above sources for public civic morals envisages a national government becoming over-involved in moral high ground zones like Ukraine. History is often written by the victors, as Churchill used to say, and there will be no victors in places like Ukraine - Russia has all the right cards. And one of those cards is language.