St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Code Red for Earth?

Fr dear Fr: I was watching a late-night chat show called GBN and I heard a young activiste on there in the studio say the words "Code Red for Earth, Code Red for Earth", when she was explaining why her friends in Insulate Britain have come out of hiding and are blocking motorways. Is there something she knows, her name was Gabby, and we do not?

Gnosis? It is difficult to present a cold and rational debate about the views of the activistes of Insulate Britain without raising the hackles of many motorists and police officers, and without incurring the passions and dramas and anxieties of teenagers become screamagers. There was something that the young girl did say on that interview, as I was able to replay the encounter with Dan Wootton, and the girl's name was Gabby, and her words were - "Code Red for Earth, Code Red for Earth" - that is true about the enquiry above. So let us briefly summarise the argument of this young woman:

- There is something coming down the road in the future;

- This event or series of events is not at all a bunch of roses;

- It is possibly an MDE or Major Damage Event or an ELE or Extinction of Life Event;

- It will cause a Great Distress and Insulate are aware of the intel concerning this ELE;

- So we can assume it must be something on the biggish frontiers - or a medium event;

- Possibly a Deep Impact of maybe 3 meteorites and the like with a crop of attendant small meteorites which will do most of the piecemeal damage to Earth;

- Impacting on the land-masses of Earth along with the little ones;

- So we might need those old Columbia Shuttles after all that have been mothballed;

- As we might have to contemplate an expendable mission to an asteroid or two as per the movie Armageddon, which has little to do with the old Hebrew notions of Armageddon;

- "Mother Cetus" seems to be the code word among those activistes and SETI watchers looking out for the 3 Deep Impacts that they all feel are heading this direction, flybys now common;

- Spaceguard Centers are now a national necessity all around the planet, and each school could conceivably set up a Telescope Club on the rooves of the School to join such a Spaceguard Center Concept, any volunteers? Maybe this is what the young woman from Insulate was meaning and intending - VIP volunteers in most science departments in schools could do this, neh?

Difficult times, tumultuous times. We do need to be prudent enough to take reasonable precautions if such a serious eventuality should threaten the planet and the human race on it, since after all, as humanity has been saying for the last 50 years, we have the technology, we can build back better. But first we have to survive those impacts. Gnosis to help? Gnostics can help, sometimes.