
Rev dear Rev: What is the status of your own general parish policy regarding the Covid Vaccines, where does your parish stand, are your parish personnel vaxers or anti-vaxers?

Vaccine affirming here. The PP was asked about this issue by a brillantine philosopher-bishop from the North of olde Englande and he replied that as a policy it is the plan and intent of the parish to put both sides of any large American style debate that has become political, so that parishioners can choose for themselves. No spiritual director sits in his confessional to replace individual choice or individual free will - it is not our task to do so. Briefly a neutral individual conscience stance is adopted, but we still remain adamant in affirming the medical science. We try to avoid the politics that has accumulated on both sides of this debate. A brief synopsis - Since the first death from Covid-19 was diagnosed in Wuhan in China on the 8th December 2019, there has been an unbelievably almighty rush among medics and Big Pharma to produce something resembling a vaccine for this very dangerous condition. Several emergency vaccines have been produced. With the rise of those vaccines, there has also arisen a concomitant debate in the social media zones about whether emergency vaccines are an unambiguous good or a mixed non-good. Vaxers and Anti-vaxers have both of them lined up their arguments on the subject of whether patients do have a choice and whether that choice is governed by necessity or conscience. Arguments have been adduced from both sides. Dispassionately and without getting too involved in individual choice, we would like to note something interesting about that debate in America - Sometimes both sides assume similar underlying positions, chiefly that Science Alone  and Unaided produced these vaccines, that she did so without inspiration or guidance or supernaturalism. But the first vaccine was registered in a Christian Empire nation. A common assumption of both sides is that Science produced all of these undoubted goods without any help or prayer or inspiration. As a parish though we do not stand with either side of such medicaid political sociology debates but rather place our hope in God and the Lord, as the Father of Modern Science which he demonstrated in the gospels when he was correcting the unnecessary fideism and quietism and superstitionism of the pharisees on subjects such as general medicare and general healing and human anatomy. Christ was a healer - he would err on the side of medicare. And there are Buddhist monks today who testify to their own ancient written traditions from the Dawn of the Science Era in 750 AUC about Jesus the healer when they declare that the young Christos journeyed to the monasteries of Lhasa in Tibet and there learned the art of meditation and healing through spiritual means. But Father of the Modern Science World he was too. And so, without further ado, this is the brief formula we like to deploy when asked about this thorny and emotive subject, dispassionately discussing the arguments of both sides without dipping into anything resembling medical misinformation, as the MP David Davies has discovered of late on You-Tube. Anyway, this is our general formula, because we do think that something positive needs to be retained in the memory toward this subject: First of all most of us on both sides might affirm that in the hour of total humanity's desperate need, when a virus was released on an unsuspecting population, through excessive tinkering with bat colonies, we would like to think that God in his provident care for the human race inspired a Christian Empire first and foremost to develop a quick emergency vaccine for the Chinese Bat Disease. God inspired the Gamaliel Institute and the production of the first registered vaccine Sputnik V from the Russian Christian Empire, he also inspired the production of the Oxford vaccine by raising the awareness and genius of Dr Sarah Gilbert too, he also inspired Pfizer to produce their vaccine too, and this was followed by Moderna and Valneva and Sinovac and others. So God in his goodness intervened through Science to save the human race from a deadly killer disease from Wuhan. Needless to say, the various vaccines above are only for the generality and commonality of human subjects since they are emergency vaccines that are still in their early stages, as there will be exceptions to the general overall rule, where patients have sensitive metabolisms, heart complexities, and brain chemistry complexities too - not everyone who would like to have the vaccines can have the vaccines, so this is a subject that is best left to personal conscience where humankind is alone with his or her fate. Not everyone who wishes to, can; and not everyone who cannot, wishes not to. Much depends on the unique circumstances of the individual metabolic bio-chemistries involved, best judged by medics on a case by case basis. Nobody should prejudge the other, and generally, the vaccines are a good thing for the commonality of the human populations that are fighting this deadly disease and this first of moderne ELEs or Extinction of Life Events or ELEs as Fr Tim first coined the phrase for church audiences at Cambridge. Frightening times we are now living through. Maybe Gabby Ditton of Insulate Britain was right to develop and evince a new condition - CCAD or Climate Change Anxiety Disorder the other night on the 13th October 2021 at GBNews with Dan Wootton. Tough times too, requiring tough decisions. We pray for the success of the Glasgow Cop-26 Climate Change Conference in Scotland soon. The Queen is adding her prayers. We all need prayers. We should all be guided by prayer, as was Charles Darwin himself, another inspiring Science icon, just like Jesus Physician.   



