
Rev dear Rev: I read somewhere that we cannot have christenings or baptisms during Advent, is this the current policy of the Church by the way, or is this something misunderstood?

With the Final Approval of the New Missal in 1969 and the General Instruction that went with it, came the rather hip trendy idea that the new era should also be governed by the joy and optimism of the space race and the landing on the moon, something that the Jesuits especially were watching closely, hence the trendy constitution of the last council to be cited often was Gaudium et Spes - some cardinals even built entire charismatic and woke ecclesiologies and schemas on top of this idea and adopted the title of the constitution as their episcopal motto in the fulness of time. Amazing times. But with the loss of the old missal and the Old Rite, since most catholics within 20 years of the 1969 watershed, simply had not ever heard it again, then the loss of the Old Rite was largely complete by this time, bar maybe 6 or 7 young boys in the seminary in Switzerland far away across the mountains of the Swiss Alps. After a few decades though, the sentimental and forgiving old pope, Pope Benedict XVI, who did not agree with his violent private secretary Mgr C that schism is schism is schism in his rapid-fire and quick-eyed punishment of the Swiss Econites, gradually eased a way forward for more recognition and equality for the Old Rite, and so with the Instruction Summorum Pontificum in the new era then this led to a gradual equalisation between the Old Rite and the New Rite, and even some dovetailing of the rubrics of the Old Rite into certain moments of the New Rite, just to give the New Rite the gravitas it had evidently been lacking since 1969. Naturally with the recovery of the Old Rite in the moderne era, it was felt that some of the traditions and customs and practices of the Old Rite should also be inserted into the mainstream of life in the Church, especially its ban on joyous sacramentals and sacraments like Weddings and dances during Lent and christenings and baptisms during Advent. This is how the question arose for the reader. Historically. All depends on the individual parish priest in her locale parish since if he is a keen reader of Benedict XVI and a fan of his theology then he will be zealous about integrating aspects of the Old Rite into the praxis of the New Rite, as outlined by the school of liturgical students or Schola Liturgica that surrounds Benedict XVI. So it all depends on the books the parish clergy are reading - The Spirit of the Liturgy is very popular now, especially among the new Anglican convert bishops and monsignors of the new era since Rochester came over.


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