St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Hang all lawyers Dr Shakespeare?


Dr dear Dr: Why are there lawyers inside spiritual churches?

A wokist quaesitum this one but let us sympathise for a few moments, call off thoughts a while and not reck his rod, as the able linguist Gerard Manly Hopkins puts it so adroitly in his wonderful poetry:

Michael Cohen, Jewish lawyer in New York, much like my own best buddy in my old school called Master Cohen who grew up and became an architect and a lawyer. Michael Cohen though - but a name among lawyers that will live long in infamy if one is a Trumpian Dystopian. After the Michael Cohen revelations in Washington when a time serving lawyer suddenly turned Queen's Evidence on his old employer and benefactor and overall sugarbeet manufacturer Generale Trump, it seems people are more and more noticing that American hallways and American churches are filled to the brim with lawyers - but for heaven's sake, why so many? And why lawyers in churches for goodness sake, if those selfsame churches are the spiritual repositories they profess to be in their gospels and their creeds and their after-church prayers and dunking doughnut community centers, smoothed over by the inescapable scent of colmbian chocolate rich coffee?

"Lawyers - hang them all", so said Shakespeare in the play Henry VI. What? Why are there lawyers in churches? Why should spiritual communities led by the Spirit feature laws and lawyers to broker those laws? To be or not to be, that is the question. Lawyers in churches? Whatever next? Normally laws and lawyers are designed for the criminal underworld in society, and as Passmore the Philosopher says it in his review of Earnst Haeckel, that underworld does not normally affect the upper classes of respectable citizens but its mere presence can have an undisclosed effect on the citizens by dint of a tractor beam of negativity, so it is bizarre and wholly unexpected to find lawyers in churches. Why so? Spiritual communities of respectable citizens are guided by the spiritual beings of the overworld of Supernature, angels, and so are motivated to do the best thing and the better thing rather than the simply legal minimum in society, they are motivated by charity above all which finds its perfection in the state of being towards others that we nowadays call other-centeredness.

So spiritual communities are also often as knott guided by Spiritual Directors who are trained to get the best out of the people that they direct and govern and guide too. They don't live like spies like Jonathan in the Usa concealing microchips of information in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the most part, unless it is Vatican secrets that they are communicating to their Vatican SCV superiors. RT Deutsch was shut down recently just for uploading concerned videos on You Tube, but even these concerned and worried christians, worried by the state of the world, are not even tempted by such operations. So for all of these reasons, guided by higher theological virtues such as a faith, hope, and charity, such spiritual communities live beyond the criminal law, beyond criminality and gangland culture, and beyond even the need for criminal laws and its armies of cunning and self-serving lawyers in the usual no win no fee vein.

Those spiritual communities for example in their day to day living are guided by mystical visions and mystical websites - they do not need criminality in order to function in their christian societies. So patently it is absurd for such spiritual communities even to have a canon law system per se with its penal laws, its excommunications, and its penalties and punishments for the average citizen. Spirituality begets spirituality. It is only as a defence grid of last resort or when there has been incursion after incursion into the body politik of the spiritual community in question that a canon law system is conceivable, conscionable and containable, but always only as a last possible resort in corrupt troubling times. Besides, at end of fulsome day, the laws of logic do demand a sign from lawyers, as the well known Schola publica syllogism goes -

  1. All societies have laws;

  2. The church is a society;

  3. Ergo, the church needs laws. Thus would speake a Cohen at the bar.