St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Rev dear Rev: What is the purpose of Time, if Christians have only sought to understand the concept in recent years?

Actually, the Christians have been mulling over the concept of Time for a long stretch of the centuries, beginning with Clement nr Alexandria’s “accomodationsdekret” for the absorption of Greek platonic philosophy into the Church’s theology schools in his monumental 008 volume work the “Miscellanea”, but also culminating with the meditations of Augustine of Hippo in the 400s AD on the subject. For Clement, the cracked tune of chronos as Yeats puts it was cyclic, but for Augustine, Time is simply the ongoing linear measurement of unremitting change in the universe, a more cosmological concept that served as a nice paradigm for the modern movie industry as we see in recent films like that marvellous meditation on the fourth and fifth dimensions called “Interstellar.” Yes, the Christians have been pondering over Time for a long time. We might learn something from them. All we need now are the equations of Time, equations like E=mc2/vs+vp.