St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Dr dear Dr: With rumours now englobing Washington that a black judge, Clarence T, is about to assume the Presidency of the US Supreme Court, is this a sign of a more generous praxis of forgiveness on the part of the US Electorate and US Authority toward such individual judges?

When I was young and working in the USA, chiefly in St Louis Missouri inter alia, at a High School teaching and tutoring, whilst yet hoping to meet the Legend of All Hallows College and St Louis Seminary there, Dr Dietrich, I would often ask my classes and seminar tutorial groups not only who their favourite Poet was from Europe, but also what they all most wanted to become in their distant and exciting futures. Most of them to the merry tune of about 90% said, "An Astronaut." But nowadays revisiting the question at Hillingdon American School, I notice that many prefer to the tune of 70% to say, "A Supreme Court Justice - just to change society." How things change - and not always for the better. Yes, evidently the great prize in modern America is to rise to the top of a very rich legal profession and eventually to become a SCOTUS Justice, which is an innocent ambition as it stands, since all professions must feature their hierarchies, but is this necessarily a good thing? Modern America is besieged with lawyers, companies as big as Amazon and FB and Twitter boast huge legal departments on their payroll, and why not, most people would say very innocuously enough. The older astronaut schema, however, was more refreshing, more possible, more useful to the future of the race, as our ships begin to arc up more and more into the Metaverse of Zuckiezone.

Yes, point taken, concession granted, that the US President is now more and more understanding to people like Clarence T who, earlier in their young careers, were caught up in the web and tissue of accusals of once upon a time, and he does practise a schema of forgiveness not just because he is a Christian president and a weekend church-goer, but also because the story that unfolded against CT was largely probably a fictitious one in which a young black Justice was two minutes away from being framed by many on the right who did not wish to see blacks in positions of Supreme Influence, no way Jose. Maybe because the president is a Christian he knows his Book of Revelation and understands that accusals of the brethren and sororities regularly take place on the Satan homeworld of this planet - he understands this now, and sees how much such slightly self-conscious and publicity-seeking accusals are often designed to silence a great figure and consign the poor misbegotten blacks to some dustbin of history to await eventual extinction at the hands of some gunman. The Accusal Industry is powerful indeed, as sitting presidents have themselves nowadays also found out to their cost. But the respectable legal gloss and veneer on that industry is nowadays wearing somewhat thin. Money is the problem in such kiss and tell biographies, and nobody asks who is benefitting from such industrial scale complaints. But Jesus warned the apostles himself about such an industry - "Peter Peter, you must know that Satan has got his wish to sift you all like wheat." So the Christians among the presidential candidates over the past 20 years do offer a unique perspective, even if a somewhat cynical one toward the lawyers. Dr Shakespeare though would agree with the Christians - see Henry VI. Either way, it is nice for CT to be approaching the Supremacy of the Supreme Court and a great testament to the resilience of the man, to the importance of BLM, and to the kindness of the American People, where a golden seam can be found even in today's contentious cases orientated world. America the Golden - how far sighted they are nowadays, especially to give a young black Justice his second wind, a breezy sail, and a flagship to sail behind, good luck. Bravi to all.