St Francis de Sales & St Mary Magdalene

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Robyne le Hoode


Dear Sir: Would it be true to say that a Robin Hood still exists even in our own times? To rob the rich to feed the poor, do such heroes actually exist even nowadays?

Some suggestions do spring to mind, and quite surprising ones too. Robin Hood was a medieval legend, but there is nothing to suggest that in our own time, he could not take the form of a woman. There is Alexandria Occasio Cortez in America who started life as a bar-tender and is now working in the US senate and congress - she puts herself out to help students for instance claim debt relief. There is also Princess Kate who herself was much inspired by the legend of the original Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest and especially by the actor Richard Greene who played the swashbuckling hero in his own time. She sets up charities, organises media events, and regularly helps others, rich industrialists to donate to her good causes, so Robin Hood can be a girl in our own time, if you like a Robyn le Hoode. Was it all just another medieval legend or was there in fact a prince of thieves, robbing the rich to feed the poor? The original character did exist and did eke out a living in the long trails and ferns of Sherwood Forest. His name in reality was Robin of Loxley and he found time to pursue the rich in his forest so as to bring relief to the suffering, especially those poor and ordinary people and business people suffering from the excessive taxations of the Robber Baron King John while legitimate kings were out of the country, in this case, while King Richard the First was away fighting his Crusades and getting imprisoned for his paynes on his travels back across the evil kingdoms of another cunning and scheming Vetus Europa. So the chief characteristics of such a figure are several:

- Visiting the ordinary working classes in their hovels and homes;

- Organising new jobs for people struggling below the bread line;

- Organising jumble sales and bric-a-brac and food bank sales for the poor;

- Pioneering job referrals for those seeking work;

- Like a Pravda Boy breaking up rich man cartels;

- Like an Izvestiya Girl going after evil monopolies in the city;

- Sharing pizzas and drinks with young people - preaching a message of hope in the future;

- Denouncing the gloom and doom merchants of the scheming Left;

- Practising Fellowship Nights on a Sunday evening in local churches whatever the Bp of York says.

These are just some of the ways that would characterise a modern day Robin Hoode or a Robyn le Hoode, though because of the many laws surrounding finance, a thoroughly moderne girlie Robyn le Hood, like some of the girls I used to know in the countryside of once upon a time around the actual Sherwood Forest, would be in to the local banks, making appointments, and taking out loans for ordinary people, getting couples to get married and setting up business partnerships, delivering groceries to little old ladies, motivating couples to begin their own businesses,  helping young couples with start-up capital venture loans, and generally doing more on the banking sector loan front. NB - Keeping in mind that it is roundly estimated by the journalists of RT that about 90% of govt loans to the banks is sat upon by the financiers in Wall Street - it simply never reaches the ordinary hard-working people who wish to be entrepreneurs with their own start-up companies. Rather it is sat upon by those bankers and gambled away by Jobbers on the international stock exchange. QE? TBH? No deal. No wonder AOC is barked out of those circles. They have much to hide both from the people and also from the well-meaning govt.

So Robin Hood does stalk the trails and highways and byways again in our own time, only more legitimately and more regally, guided by the fairer aspects of the generalised laws of supply and demand, and motivated by the good of the people and the good of the poor. Such saints do exist, not without opposition from the local bishops of York as in Robin's own day, since the establishmentarian pieties of the rich landowners and rich white hot barons of industry will naturally still conspire to keep the working people down, but remember the old adage from that era - the people united will never be defeated. This is a spiritual skill, above all, to help the poor in legit ways and small ways, so that they do not break the law in their provision for their families. Above all to work hard to bring down the great burdens of the modern life cycles so as to reduce the burden on the people who have to live in modern post-covid societies. Even Rishi Sunak has tried to emulate the great medieval legend in his kind and generous provision for furloughing during the Great Pandemic Affliction of 2020 and 2021. Well done Rishi.